Tuesday 9 April 2013


This week we have been travelling through Busselton, Fremantle and Perth. We have been going up and down Jettys going to markets and going on river cruises.

In Busselton we went to the Busselton Jetty. It is the longest wooden pile Jetty in the Southern Hemisphere and the second longest in the world. It is 2km long! When we got the end we visited the souvenir shop and then headed down to the underwater observatory. I saw lots of amazing fish and colourful coral. There was a huge school of Herron fish that flashed against the sunlight. I also saw an orange starfish clinging to the pile amongst the coral and the barnacles.

In Freo we went to the markets. At the markets there were clothes stalls, Jewelry stalls, food stalls and my favourite lolly stalls! I bought some scented soap, chocolate coated strawberries and a chocolate filled warm donut. The sugar on the outside stuck to my lips. Delicious! We also saw a koala and a snake.

In Perth we went on a river cruise down the Swan River. It went for 2 1/4 hours but it was so worth it. I saw a huge mansion and some beautiful scenery. We even a dolphin leap out of the water near another cruise boat. I leant that in one of the mansions we saw there was an indoor swimming pool, a cinema and even a bowling alley. When we got back we had a look at the bell tower. It was an aqua colour and it lights up at night. Afterwards we went to the park and got a yummy icecream.
By the way forgot to mention The Old Fremantle Prison that we saw while traveling through Freo.
The prisons best job was in the kitchen and they got payed only $37 a week. This was a good job because it meant that you didn't have stand in the blazing sun in the yard. All day the prisoners had to stay outside in the yard rain, hail or shine. In the prison church the men sat in the pews and the woman stood on the veranda. There was no talking at all allowed. We even saw where people got hung! 123 people got hung in that prison. Only one female. It was amazing and even a little bit scary.

I hope you enjoyed my post.

Love xxMarleyxx 07-04-13


  1. Some lovely images there, Marley :)

  2. the prison is creepy
    the fish were pretty
    i miss u heaps


  3. Hi Miss Marley Rose!! Seems like you guys are having awesome time!!! Love all the photos, keep them coming!! Miss you all heaps, love Aunty Shazzy

  4. great story Marley you are one lucky girl having such a wonderful adventure tell Callam and Finn nan and pop said hi ARE YOU READY XXXXXXXXXXXX
