Saturday 16 March 2013

Crossing the Nullabor!

This week we've being driving across the Nullabor.

We saw emus and wedge tail eagles! There was a sign for camels and wombats but we didn't see any although we did see camel carcasses.

Dad said it takes to many hours to cross the Nullabor so we had to stop along the way. Our first stop was at the Great Australian Bight. It was beautiful there! The water was deep blue and the water crashed on the edge of the cliff. The cliff was rugged and rough. They are called the Bunda Cliffs. I couldn't believe I was standing on the edge of Australia. The Southern Right Whales came there to breed but we were to early and missed them.

The next place we went to was the Border Village. There wasn't many people there but it sure was nice to get away from everyone. We set up a very simple camp so it would be easy to pack up the next morning. The next morning we quickly packed up and kept driving.

A little down the road we stopped at a sign that said Australia's Longest Road 145.6km, so we drove all the way down Australia's Longest Road. It was soooo boring and there was nothing to do then it started to rain.

We were supposed to stop again but dad said that he's not setting up in this weather. So we drove and drove and drove until we finally got to Esperance. When we got there it was late and there was no where to stay because everywhere was rather full or closed so we found this camp site that had a stop for late arrivers. So that's where I am. We are looking forwArd to exploring Esperance when the sun actually comes out.

See ya Marleyxx

1 comment:

  1. Marley, you might be the youngest person (apart from your brothers!) to be able to tick Crossing the Nullabor off your bucket list:) Love Auntie L.
